About NEOS Investments

We’re here to help the marketplace tackle the challenges of today, marked by volatile equity markets and interest rate uncertainty, while also managing for the long-term. Our mission is to offer intelligent, data-driven solutions to diversify and enhance your investment portfolio.

Next Evolution Options Strategies

NEOS ETFs aim to deliver the next evolution of options strategies, where seeking income is the outcome. Built on decades of research and experience, NEOS ETFs aim to empower the investor with portfolio building blocks to provide high income, tax efficiency, and diversification through data-driven options-based ETFs.

Our Capabilities

Exchanged Traded Funds

NEOS ETFs aim to offer purposeful solutions within investment portfolios, seeking outcomes such as monthly income generation, tax efficiency, and diversification - while offering accessibility to investors of all sizes.

Separately Managed Accounts

Next Evolution Options Strategies that are available to qualified investors via separately managed accounts seeking to offer the same unique and purposeful benefits of our exchange traded funds.

Custom and Sub-Advised Solutions

The NEOS team is built on decades of experience developing and managing innovative options-based strategies, which is infused into sophisticated, custom solutions for foward-thinking clients.

Our Guiding Principles

Seek High Monthly Income

We understand the importance of generating reliable income within an investment portfolio, which is why we believe investors should be able to maintiain high expectations throughout varying market environments

Tax Efficient Portfolio Management

Managing the tax implications of your investments can have a big impact on overall returns, which is why NEOS seeks to take advantage of tax loss harvesting opportunities, while utilizing tax efficient product structures

Ongoing Data-Driven Research

Rapidly evolving markets and emerging challenges call for investment products rooted in deeply researched, data-driven strategies that seek to improve outcomes in both current and future market environments

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